
译林版英语九年级上册 Unit 1 同步练习卷

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2022-06-06


(满分: 100分  时间: 100分钟)

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1.吃光_______                     2.all day long_______

3. as good as_______                 4.  work to high standard_______

5.等很长时间也不生气_______      6.think twice_______

7.既不……也不……_______         8.win high praise from

9.日复一日_______                 10. not only... but also _______

11.或者……或者……_______         12. in all_______

13.领先_______                    14. It is said that_______

15.落后_______                     16. keep in order_______

17.注意_______                     18. be divided into_______

19.炫耀_______                     20. come up with_______


(    )1. It is in Shanghai_______ I met my classmate.

   A. who            B. what        C. that        D. where

(    )2. The food was _______ for me to eat up all of them.

   A. enough delicious        B. delicious enough

   C. much enough            D. enough much

(    )3. He is so clever that he can always_______ different ideas.

   A. think            B. come up with    C. come up        D. remind

(    )4. Not only he but also his parents_______ from the USA.

   A. is            B. are        C. comes    D. was

(    )5. I have great fun_______ this game.

   A. to play    B. to playing   C. play    D. playing

(    )6. Are you going to_______ this challenge?

   A. take up    B. take down  C. take off    D. take on

(    )7. His room is_______ new after it is cleaned.

   A. so good as  B. so well as   C. as well as   D. as good as

(    )8. _______ a doctor, you should keep secrets for your patients.

   A. For        B. As        C. To        D. With

(    )9. (2013 .绥化 )-When are you going to Beijing for your holiday?  

-I haven't decided. _______ this Sunday _______ next Sunday is OK.

   A. Not only; but also    B. Neither; nor    C. Either; or

(    )10. (2013 .河北) The beginning of the movie was boring, _______ the end was amazing !

   A. but        B. and            C. so            D. or

(    )11. She is an orphan and she_______ herself.

   A. works on          B. depends    C. takes on    D. depends on

(    ) 12. _______, he is more successful than I_______ some ways.

   A  In fact; on     B. On fact; on      C. In fact; in    D. In fact; for

(    )13. English is not easy, but I never_______.

   A. give up it          B. give it up    C. take it up   D. show it off

(    )14. Work hard, or you will_______ others.

   A. fall            B. fall over    C. fall from    D. fall behind

(    )15. He is a Chinese, but it_______ he can speak English, French and Russian.

   A. says            B. said        C. is said      D. saying


1. Please keep the books in alphabetical_______ (顺序).

2. The boy often gets full marks in tests, but he is_______(谦虚的)and never shows off.

3. She is a_______(天生的)blind and never sees anything.

4. These_______(语法)rulers are too hard to remember.

5. She often won high_______(表扬)from her mother.

6.What he has said and done will_______(给……留下印象)us.

7. This is a_______(高速的)railway. It was built 10 years ago.

8.I wish to make this matter known to the_______(普遍的)public.

9.Such is the price of being a_______(开拓者).

10. He is_______(不耐烦的)and never does things well.

11. There is a_______(循环)to what we and our teams do.

12. This is a_______(固定的)machine. You can't move it.

13. Everyone is here. No one is_______(缺席的).

14. His_______(演讲)is very wonderful. We all like him.

15. His father has never been to school, but he can speak _______(标准的)Putonghua.


1. He is_______ (organize) and always arranges everything well.

2. My sister is _______ (energy) and likes doing extra work.

3. This article is about_______ (person).  

4. Although the Maths problem isn't hard, I can't work it out_______ (easy).

5. We were_______ (excite) about yesterday's football match.

6. He likes a_______ (create) job.

7. The boy is_______ (interest) in drawing pictures.

8. He bought a computer to get _______ (he) more organized.

9. The man is_______ (help) and often helps the students in our school.

10. My friend Karl is an_______ (art).

11. His car hit the tree because of his_______ (care).

12. I missed her_______ (terrible).  

13. He is a strange man and he likes doing everything _______ (different).

14. Such an important problem should be discussed_______ (serious).

15. I had no_______ (interesting) in cartoons.

五.根据句意, 用所给动词的适当形式填空 (15分)

1. The TV set is so expensive that I can't afford_______ (buy) it.

2. He is willing_______ (go) there with us.

3. He devoted much of his time to_______ (help) the poor.

4. Please pay attention to_______ (pronounce) the words correctly.

5. The books on the desk_______ (divide) into 3 piles.

6. It makes them feel good_______ (share) things with others.

7. The little boy went out to play football without_______ (tell) anyone.

8. The old man was ready_______ (help) others when they were in trouble.

9. We had fun_______ (take) part in the game.

10. I think you are suitable for_______ (be) a doctor.

11. It_______ (say) he has been there three times.

12. My teacher often spends lots of time_______ (help) us with our project.

13. We think Jack is the most suitable person_______ (be) our monitor.

14. I learnt_______ (play) the violin three years ago.

15. Neither Li Ping nor his partners_______ (be) good at playing this game.


   Now, let's begin our sports report. Here's a really good game, the b  1  one I have seen this year. It's the last five minutes of the g  2  . Henry plays football f  3  France. He has the ball now. He p  4  the ball to David. David k  5  it over the heads of the Englishmen towards the goal. But he's too far a  6  .France and England still have one goal each and there are only two m 7  left of the game. Just then an English p  8  gets the ball. He gives it to Bill, "King of the match". Bill puts the ball into the goal. In the e  9  the English team w  10  .

1. _______      2. _______      3. _______      4. _______      5._______

6 _______      7. _______      8. _______      9. _______  10._______


1.Both his father and mother are teachers.(改为同义句)

_______ _______ his father_______ _______ his mother is a teacher.

2.I didn't get there on time because it rained.(改为同义句)

It rained, _______ I got there_______.

3.It takes him half an hour to walk home.(改为同义句)

He_______ half an hour_______ home.

4.Both Maths and Physics are hard for me.(改为否定句)

_______ Maths_______ Physics_______ hard for me.

5. His brother is 5 years old and mine is 5 years old too.(合并为一句)

His brother is_______ _______ _______ mine.



He_______________ all the food on the plate.


He likes______________________________.


She is______________________________ new ideas.


It's terrible for me_____________________________.


_______________ are workers.


_______________ going to help the teacher hand out papers.


Our school______________________ the public.


He ______________________ five years ago.


Do you know why______________________ the building?


He_______________ the bridges.


   Hold your head up high

   I was 15 months old, a happy and carefree kid, until the day I fell. It was a bad fall. I landed on a piece of glass that cut my eye badly. From then on, my injured, sightless, cloudy gray eye lived on with me.

   Sometimes people asked me embarrassing(使人难堪的) questions. Whenever kids played games, I was the "monster". I was always imagining that everyone looked down on(瞧不起) me.

   Yet Mum would say to me, "Hold your head up high and face the world. "I began to depend on that saying.

   As a child, l thought Mum meant, "Be careful, or you will fall down or bump into something because you are not looking." As a teenager, I usually looked down to hide my shame. But I found that when I held my head up high, people liked me.

   In high school I even became the class president, but on the inside I still felt like a monster. All I really wanted was to look like everyone else. When things got really bad, I would cry to my mum and she would look at me with loving eyes and say, "Hold your head up high and face the world. Let them see the beauty that is inside instead of your appearance(外貌)."

   My mum's love was the sunshine that made me bright. I had faced hard times, and learned not only to be confident(自信的) but also to have deep compassion(同情) for others:.

   "Hold your head up high" has been heard many times in my home. I say it to my children. The gift my mum gave me will live on.

(    )1. The world "carefree" in the first line probably means "_______" in Chinese.

A.无忧无虑的   B.无拘无束的  C.小心翼翼地   D.与众不同的

(    )2. Why did the writer imagine that everyone looked down on her?

   A. She felt bad about her appearance.

   B. She found it hard to act as a monster.

   C. Kids refused to play games with her.

   D. People always asked her embarrassing questions.

(    )3. Why did the writer's mum say "Hold your head up high" to her?

   A. To tell her to be careful.        B. To help her hide the shame.

   C. To stop her from getting hurt.    D. To make her more confident.

(    )4. From the story, we can know that_______.

   A. the writer understood the saying very well as a child

   B. the writer felt like everyone else in high school

   C. the writer is living with a warm and brave heart now

   D. the writer has deep compassion for others all her life

(    )5. The passage is mainly about_______.

   A. what the writer experienced when she was 15

   B. what the writer did to show thanks for mum's gift

   C. how the writer changed herself with mum's love

   D. how the writer became confident with her great efforts


   母爱情深,母爱无价;学会感恩,学会回报。某英语网站举办以“My mother”为题的英语征文活动。请你根据下列思维导图提供的信息,写一篇短文,介绍自己的母亲和你们的真情故事。




   My mother

   We need love. We also need to love. The person I love most is my mother.______________


一、1.eat up 2.整天  3.和……一样好4.工作高标准  5.wait for a long time without getting angry  6.三思  7.neither…nor…  8.赢得……高度赞扬    9.day by day  10.不但……而且……  11. either  or   12.一共 13. take the lead  14.据说……  15. fall behind  16.使……井然有序  17. pay attention to  18.被分成… 19. show off    20.想起

二、1-5 CBBBD  6-10 DDBCA  11-15 DCBDC

三、1. order  2.modest  3.born  4.grammar  5.praisc  6.impress  7.high-speed

   8. common    9.pioneer    10. impatient    11. cycle    12. fixed    13. absent

   14. speech  15. standard

四、1. organized  2.energetic  3.personalitv  4.casily  5.excited  6.creative

   7. interested  8.himself  9.helpful   10. artist   11. carelessness   12. terribly

   13. differently  14. seriously  15. interest

五、1. to buy  2.to go  3.helping  4.pronouncing  5.were divided  6.to share

   7. telling  8.to help  9.taking  10. being   11. is said   12. helping   13.to bc

   14. to play  15. are

六、1. best  2.game  3.for  4.passes  5.kicks  6.away  7.minutes  8.player

 9.end  10. wins

七、1. Not only, but also  2.so, late  3.spends, walking  4.Neither, nor, is  5.as old


八.1. has eaten up  2. keeping the things on the desk in order  3. creative enough to come up with  4. to work all day without speaking all day long  5. Both my friend(s) and I   6. Either you or I am   7. has won high praise from   8. gave up the job as a teacher  9. the police are searching   10. devoted most of his time to building

九.1-5 AADCC

十. One possible version:

My mother

   We need love. We also need to love. The person I love most is my mother. My mother is 41 years old. She is .of medium height with long black hair. She is quiet. She is a History teacher in' a middle school. She likes dancing. She can cook delicious food.

   She did a lot for me when I was a child. She bought whatever I needed for my study, even though she didn't have much money. She sent me from piano lessons to dancing lessons at the weekend. she cooked delicious and healthy food for me.

   When I grow up, I will do what I can to make my mother happy. I will find a good job after I graduate from college. I'll save money and buy beautiful clothes that make her look still young. I'll take her to wonderful sights around China. Most importantly, I will stay with her when I have free time. That's what she wants most, I think.



